Our Mommy's
This is Daisy, she is a red moyen poodle, she weighs 35 pounds. Daisy is very gentle, calm, and proud. She is a wonderful mommy! She produces beautiful mini-medium babies with deep red curly coats.
This is Ivy, she is a standard poodle. She will be a future mini-medium mommy to our f1b babies. Ivy is a chocolate poodle. She is a very smart, loving, and calm girl. Her and Daisy are the best of friends!
This is Molly, she is a standard F1 goldendoodle. She produces mini-medium F1b babies. Molly is abstract with lots of white on her chest and paws. She is a very smart, loving, easy to train girl. She lives in a wonderful Guardian Home and has her own family that loves her very much!
This is Willow. She is a f1b mini deep red golden doodle with a curly coat. She will be a future micro mini mom to deep red babies. She is a very smart girl that loves to give kisses. She has been with us since birth. She produces that glowing red baby that she is so known for!
This is Piper. Piper is a f1b mini Saint Berdoodle. She will be the future Mommy of mini St. Berdoodle's here on the farm. We have searched for the perfect girl to add and finally found her! She is very sweet and loving.
This is London. London is a mulitgen red and white parti mini goldendoodle. She produces red, tuxedo, and aprocot mini & micro babies.